Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A few thoughts!!

So ill make this one short and sweet. I been gone for a while mostly because my computer has been in the shop some how my motherboard fried how does that even happen... Any who i have been thinking lately about alot of stuff and the new year. There are alot of things i want to change for myself. I have also been changing the way i think in hopes to become a more positive person and lately i think that it has made a big diffrence in my life some say " Live and let Live" and i say to do that i say "Live an let Love"

If you are reading i would like to ask what changes to you want to see for your self? Well write to ya later loves!!!
Oh and i think i may be makin vlogs again!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Living and Loving Life! As it Comes!!!

So it's been a while... I've done a little traveling to the Virgin Islands In In which i consider to be my second home away from home. I was able to see my friends who i have missed so much not being able to see them since April. As i was there i drank entirely to much! Fun Fun Fun... and much much more. It was nice to get back to that feeling of having no worries or cares in the world. It just reminded me of how just going to live for two years has changed who i am drastically and caused to to grow as a person tremendously. Well enough of that. Any Who!

I have recently been thinking that i need to change some things in my life and after this blog im going to make a list and began to work on them.. Because thats usualy the only way i am actively productive in geting things done that i need or want to. May be i will post the list in a later blog and keep you guys up dated on getting these things accomplished.

Another thing that was on my mind is the "Equality March" that was at the capital on the 11 this past Sunday! It was interesting that none of the Major News Networks thought that it was important to adequately cover the cause this Important event. This goes to show that we as a people can not rely on TV to keep us informed of issues that are going on in our world today. It also goes to show that media/news is being censored beyond our imagination. This gives those who own NBC, FOX, CBS, and other News networks the power to control how we vote, and live our every day life!!! Sad right.

Side Bar...
Lately i have been obsesing with my hair watching alot of videos about taking care of Natural Hair. Surprisingly i have learned a lot about different products why one should or should not ue them and more specificly when it comes to "Black" Hair that is similar in texture to mine. I have learned how to clip my own ends, hair styles that are not hard on my hair"Protective Styles" and i am excited to see how long my gets by the end of the year. Sofar i can Feel and see the Difference due to the fact that my hair in not so dry and brittle as it was any more.

I also find it really interesting that the Women that Write this info and Film these videos Are very proud of who they are and are not vested in changing who they are or the image of them selves. And i think thats beautiful. I'm not saying that Women that choose to perm and relax altering there natural hair texture but i think that its refreshing to see people who think that its important to be how they where born. I have an issue with people of color being ashamed of who they are and trying to become European an image that is glorified through media. Media isn't the only one to blame its also Us as a people re-enforcing taring each other down with comments like he or she is too dark or there hair is too nappy these types of things give us complexes as a child and we know not how to deal with them when we become adults or don't even realize that we have them. Lastly i just think that we need to take a second and re evaluate some things in our lives and may be we will figure out why we have some of the behaviors that we do and understand our selves better.

Lastly i want to thank you for reading and will definitely be keeping you guys posted on the things that are happening in my life well much love.... Love

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bruno 2000 !!! The dress code...

So i was home one day scrolling through the movie channels last week and came across a movie called Bruno!!!! At first i thought it was the one form this year staring Sacha Baron Cohen thinking this is already on cable when i clicked info i soon realized after pushing info that NO... It was not it was another movie that was put out in 2000 when reading all it said something about a boy who got got powers through wearing dresses... i thought this seems interesting so i watched it...

So basically what i got from this movie was that there was this young boy may be around the age from 7 to 9 years old and he lived in a single parent house hold with his mom who had weight issues and an eating disorder eating when mad. His father and mother where no longer together and but he was till in his life ie. when he wanted him to play sports and things like that. This boy was basically a kid genius that be;believed that wearing dresses gave him the power i guess his extreme intelligence.

Because the little boy would wear dresses to school it caused him a lot of problems and it didn't help that he went to a catholic school. in a since his own father disowned him and was ashamed because he wasn't the typical boy that he wanted him to be. The little boys mom allowed him to express him self as he wanted helping him alter dresses and sewing things for him. I thought that it was nice that she encouraged him to do the things that made him happy!!!

Another character who played a significant role in the boys life was his grand mother who was his fathers mother and at first she was the same as the father. It was no surprise that the father acted the way he did towards his son wearing dresses. When he was young he wanted to sing opera and his mom taunted him and verbally calling him a sissy for liking wanting to sing opera so of-course the cycle had continued with him and his son. But never again Bruno being so persistent almost in his own way forced his grandmother to accept him the way he was and when she did that she began to support him teaching him how to fight the little boys who always picked on him at school.

No i don't support violence but if one needs to protect self the one must do just that...... over the course of the movie the young boy won ever spelling bee local, regional, and national with the ending goal to win a chance to go and meet the pope of the catholic church in Europe... not sure what part of Europe though.... oops sorry..... on his way to victory he his story began to get a lot of publicity and attracted a lot of attention some good but mostly bad. Media called threw this boy much shade calling him gay and much much more. People planed protest trying prevent the boy from being allowed in to the church where he would soon claim his victory and win the chance to go and meet the pope.

To think that his dad had turned his back on him when he needed him the most being attacked by his peers and elders. But no he never let that bring him down he knew exactly what he wanted. And in the end just got that.

This movie made me thing and im sure you can relate... Some times parents end up emotionally damaging there children by trying to shape to be who they want them to be. As a child with my self i was always compared to my brother who was in to sports. And he to me in to my education and animals and stuff like that. it seemed as the things that made me happy just wasn't good enough. I feel that parents should put more focus on whats right and wrong and allow there children to develop and the only major influence that they need to do is just lead by example if they just do that there child would be just fine... Just because your child is different doesn't mean that they are less then or not good.

Yes we need guidance but mostly when we need is support in who we are developing into. If you our own parents wont accept us why should any one else?? Well i am just going to end by saying love us for who we are not who you want us to be.... Because we love you for who you are....

I definitely recommend that any and everyone watches it may be you will learn something... I did... Beware!!! May Cause a little tearing....

Sorry readers for such a long entry ill stop here.... Love ya Peace!!!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Imagin this was you!!!

So I've been wanting to go and see the movie District 9 for a long time... Well since the day it came out any way... so scheming i thought to my self i should ask him if he wanted to go to the movies so i would have to pay and we would get to hang a little bit, which doesn't happen often. Of course it worked because he is all in to that sifi stuff. We went to the movies and i liked it it was cool.. i thought it was interesting how it showed how quick the government could dehumanize some one quote on quote in the name of science, war or what ever else there reason.

Well any who! That is not rely what this blog is about as we where leaving the theater which was in the same lot as a big mall we are leaving to go on to the main street. Waiting at the light i take notice to a very young boy and girl, they couldn't be older then 18 years old. At first i thought they where just chilling on the grass in between traffic which is not too uncommon, but at a second glance i notice they have a card board cut out that says "Homeless Please Help". Out of reaction thinking out loud i said poor child they are so young... all at the same time thinking i wish i would have picked up my check from work today because then i would have had cash on me and may be i would have been able to at least give them some cash and hopefully help them out.

Out of no where my father says its their fault, and if they didn't want to be homeless they would get a job. this made me so angry inside and i couldn't hold my tongue so i asked him what did he mean by that? He goes on to say that if they they are able bodied and could get work so thats what they need to do. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth!! H continued to say there are so many ways of making money... Sell CD's and some other things that just made no sense, i asked him how would they get these CD's that was going to cure their current state of homelessness... he said, Steal them!!!! at that second i realized he was just being ignorant which is the nicest way of explaining it. i was thinking that he was judging them and giving them no consideration and sympathy due to there piercings and tattoos and told him just that. He disagreed with me and goes on to say that he is right because he knows how the youth today are.

I asked him to put him self in to there shoes and to think... Wouldn't he want someone to have the kindness and love in there heart to try and help him in any way possible. I was floored at the thought that he could look past the expression in these two peoples faces. Because i saw fear, uncertainty, pain, the feeling of being lost.... i mean its heart breaking that some people are so quick to judge and i wish that we as a people of the world would consider our brothers and sisters. On top of that i was surprised that he could even fix his mouth and say the things he did when his mother and father are straight off the Banana Boat refuges from Haiti and and soon after he was born both died leaving him and his 9 brother's and sisters orphaned...

Lastly i would just like to say i wish more people gave a little more because one it makes a difference in those people lives around us and if you believe in karma well .... There you go!!!

Have you ever been in a situation like this or witnessed one? if so Please tell...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just a Cupple thoughts and an apology... And you know what??? I found me again...

So i had a interesting weekend.. Full of mixed emotion it kind of drove me crazy... So 2 years ago i decided to go to school in the Virgin Islands (UVI Boop Boop!!!) and first went to become a nurse but after a semester realized that it was not for me and it was what my parents settled for because i didn't want to be a doctor any more... typical right.. its funny how your parents have you thinking that you want what they want for you.. (but thats another blog)

I can say that this was the best decision i have ever maid in my life...It honestly made me who i am today well kinda sculpted who i was before i went i guess.. My parents and family where quite trepidatious about letting me go it being my first away from home over a month... but i was very persistent and soon they got over the fact that i was going.

So two years down the line i am back home not really of my choice school got quite expensive and not i have to save up more money with the intent of not letting that push my graduation back... i guess i always knew that it would come to this but it didn't really set in until i didn't get on my flight Saturday @10:20.. i have to say i was not my self i was not very nice to who ever did something that i thought annoyed me except my dog Josie.. i have to say to all if i was rude or just not pleasant this weekend and offended you i am sorry that is not my character and need to work on that even though it rarely happens...

So yesterday i called my called my friends form school and gave them the news... all of it!! and they where so supportive like i couldn't wish for better friends who are so loving some times i wonder how do i find these people who are just so genuine and caring and it just made my day amazing i was high off there supporting spirit and realized i will be with them even if i never saw them again and on top of that they are only a phone call away... geeezzz i wish everyone who needs people in there life like these friends find them....

Basically i just want to thank them and let them know I love you guys seriously......
See You In SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scream!!!! LMAO SERiousLY!!!!!

I have a question?? Has any one else experienced something like this and if so how did you deal with????

Well again people Peace and always love Byeeeeee
Big Smile...=)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Scatter Brains!!! Geeeezzzz...

So i knew i wanted to make a nice little list of words that go together and some how form those things called sentences wit periods and commas and stuff.. and those sentences may or may not make since (can't be responsible for that). So i sat down and made a list of what i would like to talk (or write) about.. sorry ill warn you now i think it may end up being a little long if you don't mind. the list just got a little long. (skimming is always allowed)

Ill start off by saying thanks for reading on but my first topic is about Communication, with out this i believe we as people have no chance because we tend to assume way too much. a lot of this tends to be negative and negativity gets you no where seriously. I was on twitter today bored obviously and i watched two seemingly good "friend" or at least associates get in to it over nothing. First and for most it this negative tweet was never posted the incident would have never occurred. Second if the party that misconstrued the tweet would have just asked a simple question... was that in reference to me? There relationship would have never been compromised. we can end up only hurting our selves and others when acting irrationally, ending up making our selves publicly look like fools.... please people save your self the embarrassment and next time lets thing twice about what we say or tweet, aim away messages, facebook status changes, and even myspace mood update.

Some how this brings me to my second thought/question(looking for some advice) may be... i consider my self to be a very positive person and i am trying to find new ways of spreading that environment to others. my parents have chosen to adopt children and i guess its kind of one of those things when you take them in after a certain age where you also adopt there good and there bad. and have your heard that its hard to teach a old dog new tricks.. well thats is the honest truth especially when one does not want to change... (no gosh i am not saying they are dogs) but any who... how some times its so over bearing that i find my self getting their confusion... this does a number on my aura... sorry sometimes i rant but if you can please give me your advise would love to hear it... that was my question but about positivity i believe that we should all look at the silver lining of things because if we do we can channel happiness... can you see where i am going with this... yes i am going say it then we will have peace which is like the best feeling like ever... it has the power to make you cry like omg... and i digress...

Ilove Kathy Griffin and Sarah Silverman cool people... Random BTW

Well in my last blog i promised i would talk about a question that i proposed which basically was... Have you ever maid a decision that changed you for the better drastically? Well thats right folks, i have i just want to say going away to school in the VI helped me to figure out who i was as an individual and i just want to thank the parents, who allowed me to go.. i would have went anyway but thats besides the point.. and everyone who i have come into contact with over there because positive or negative interaction you have helped shape who i am today. i feel like i could never have learned what i have learned any where else so if you have a similar story please tell that was just an over view if u want we can swap specifics later wink wink... lol (i don't know what the winks are for it kind of scares me why my fingers typed that...)

Last but not least for today last night i was setting in my bed and was watching the History Channel.... i no the History Channel i don't know how in hell it got to this channel but i watched two programs that kind of bothered me the first was if i remember Abraham Lincoln. This program focused on weather or not he was gay or not first of all i found the subject frankly ummmm insignificant... i mean why does it matter.... so the program went on talking about how what ever lady he was or was not evolved with and no i do not mean his wife. talking about his relationships with other men i mean people he say she say is history??? well any who there was another question that was proposed... wait until you read this... "Do you believe that Abraham's sexuality is what influenced him to free the slaves" Now ummm don't get me started... his sexuality made him want to free the slaves... think about this he was gay so he wanted to free the slaves????? is there something off here or is it just me??? The person who proposed that stupid question's rational was that because he wanted to be freed sexually he sympathized with blacks being enslaved... did this quote on quote scholar just try to equate slavery with the en-ability to be free sexually... umm idk i am just saying...

So the next program talked about... umm... like wonders such as pyramids and ancient technology such as the Baghdad battery which brought up the question of intelligence outside of our world. history channel and it basically said that ancient civilizations where not sophisticated enough to have any part in creating these marvels.. so they went across the world Egypt, Belize and many other places where they found structures that would be hard to bugle even today and almost impossible. my issue with this is that how can you say that an entire civilization of people in incapable or doing something just because one can find evidence of how they did it and to take that away from them sand say that is some other force did it.. aliens well all i can do or say is Chups....(Carib for sucking teeth) people we cant step out side of our selves for one sec and just chalk some things up to just that we do not understand them and just because we don't know how it happened it must mean that some super being did it. I am not saying that aliens don't exist or anything and don't want to get into that but it is very possible that these people had their own ways of doing things because they are clearly in existence... and are still around today i charge " modern day people to try and create things that will last this long" because looking at the show 10,000 years after people sad to say some of our impressive trump towers and what not will not be around... so how is that for intelligence...

I know what you are thinking Final Fuckin Lee lmao he is done....
well thanks for reading people love ya....
Big smile... Cheese!!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

You Wanna See Something????

This is just a little video of pics of ma weekend that i promised... We had a good time right guys!!! Well hope you like it......

Well while i am waiting for it to load yesterday i saw something that bothered me so much... So i was at home depot because i needed to get some supplies because two of our sprinklers where broken and it was time they where fixed... story of my life i should so be a certified Gardner by now... so i am on my way ou geting in the car and i noticed that this ladie in a van was circling the parking lot several times. This seemed weird and just as i was puting the cart in the small place designated for carts until they are picked up ...(hint hint i have no idea wat its called she has two of her children get out of the car,
(mind you they are around may be 13-17 years old) and they ar looking in the back of someones car atempting to steal gardening supplies as she kept look out.... This saddened me and just made me think what kind of future these children would have with a role model like her..

Parents.... Please Please do better by your children insuring them a bright future...

Well anyway remember this one thing people Peace and Love people.... and thanks for reading and watchin...
love ya

Where are You????

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cameras take Pictures!!!!

As far as the title it has nothing to do with what you are about to read. (would want you to waist your time...) well im siting here and i am listening to a little reggae and some dance hall trying to start my day off right...(btw my fav. music in the world) but i am just reflecting on my weekend, i came out here on Saturday (Compton Ca) i live in Lancaster... to visit 2 of ma best friends an stay with them for a while so Saturday we went to knots soak city which was really fun it was my first time being there i had the best time and at this water park i actually got on some of the attractions ill post a short video wit some pics later if you are interested but i am proud of my self because i had a fear of these things and by bestti who calls her self Ladie is the one who pushed me to get on and after the first one it was super fun.. the next day we went to Hermosa Beach and i got to see my good friend Steve he is always fun we met in the VI (Virgin Islands) which is where i go school interesting character he is but i love him... but at the beach we played volley ball i was resistant at first in the end i loved it had a lot of falls but it was a blast. Later we went home.

So have you seen this movie called short bus its really good and i recommend it to everyone.. i first stumbled across it with a friend in grad school she is a psych major and they had to analyze the movie. The Complete title is Shortbus - Voyeurism is Participation. At that time i payed no attention to it but then ran across it again watching some of the videos of Jay Brannan who was one of the Characters in the movie. I will try no to spoil the movie for you but its about a Ladie who can not have an orgasm.. (sucks) but the more i reflect on this movie you see so much more. It depicts how we are all connected, how we can all help each other, understanding love on so many levels, and the different forms of love, one on one, at a distance. I related to this in many ways and i am sure you would to. i am currently trying to find the book version because i just lived it that much i am telling you its a must see. (random BTW papaya is good in the morning lol)

Im Going to end with a question yes sir a ? Have you ever made a decision that you didnt know would change you in so many ways for the better... hint hint.... this is what my next blog will be in part talking about!!!!! (random BTW Jay Brannan's Music is nice)

Well again thanks for reading thanks for reading!!!!
BYe loveLy people oh! and Eyes Record Stuff....

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I did it!!!

Its around 11pm and i guess I'm no longer a Virgin... This is my first blog Yaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ive been procrastinating for the longest while and i finally just did it...

So i guess ill just tell u about my past few weeks not that you are supper interested in knowing...
So i am back home for the summer and i have hardly attempted applying for work which was the main point of coming home in the first place. Its been mostly Chillin and Partyin.... Normally i am in school in the Virgin Islands which i love.... If u can u should so go seriously but anyway... i am having the best time ive had in Cali in the longest while ive been able to see my Fam which is always nice and all of ma Best Friends who i have missed so much.

On the other hand i have been having some very interisting convo with my mom that before going off to school i was almost afraid to take a stance on, which is (drumb roll) her homophopia lol, honestly its fun for me to talk to her about this because we (my siblings and i) where raised as black muslims and where taught that homosexuality is wrong... after going to school and meeting people from various walks of life and lifestyles i have come to the conclusion that i have no problem with homosexuality, well n e way so my mom seems to think that it is a disgusting and un-natural lifestyle and is very adiment about geting that point across to anyone who she thinks is gay or has no issue with homosexuality. Our arguments normally dont get anywhere but agreeing to disagree until recently it seems as if she is slowly but surely taking some of my arguments in to consideration....(it put a smile on my Face to realize this =) i dont think she realized that she is in a since discriminating against people and kind of spreading hate...when she does this and on top of that she couldnt argue this one question ... Do you believe the you Choose who you love??? Since its a choice....

Well thanks for reading people Peace n Love always come again!!!!!!!!!