Saturday, August 15, 2009

Imagin this was you!!!

So I've been wanting to go and see the movie District 9 for a long time... Well since the day it came out any way... so scheming i thought to my self i should ask him if he wanted to go to the movies so i would have to pay and we would get to hang a little bit, which doesn't happen often. Of course it worked because he is all in to that sifi stuff. We went to the movies and i liked it it was cool.. i thought it was interesting how it showed how quick the government could dehumanize some one quote on quote in the name of science, war or what ever else there reason.

Well any who! That is not rely what this blog is about as we where leaving the theater which was in the same lot as a big mall we are leaving to go on to the main street. Waiting at the light i take notice to a very young boy and girl, they couldn't be older then 18 years old. At first i thought they where just chilling on the grass in between traffic which is not too uncommon, but at a second glance i notice they have a card board cut out that says "Homeless Please Help". Out of reaction thinking out loud i said poor child they are so young... all at the same time thinking i wish i would have picked up my check from work today because then i would have had cash on me and may be i would have been able to at least give them some cash and hopefully help them out.

Out of no where my father says its their fault, and if they didn't want to be homeless they would get a job. this made me so angry inside and i couldn't hold my tongue so i asked him what did he mean by that? He goes on to say that if they they are able bodied and could get work so thats what they need to do. I couldn't believe what was coming out of his mouth!! H continued to say there are so many ways of making money... Sell CD's and some other things that just made no sense, i asked him how would they get these CD's that was going to cure their current state of homelessness... he said, Steal them!!!! at that second i realized he was just being ignorant which is the nicest way of explaining it. i was thinking that he was judging them and giving them no consideration and sympathy due to there piercings and tattoos and told him just that. He disagreed with me and goes on to say that he is right because he knows how the youth today are.

I asked him to put him self in to there shoes and to think... Wouldn't he want someone to have the kindness and love in there heart to try and help him in any way possible. I was floored at the thought that he could look past the expression in these two peoples faces. Because i saw fear, uncertainty, pain, the feeling of being lost.... i mean its heart breaking that some people are so quick to judge and i wish that we as a people of the world would consider our brothers and sisters. On top of that i was surprised that he could even fix his mouth and say the things he did when his mother and father are straight off the Banana Boat refuges from Haiti and and soon after he was born both died leaving him and his 9 brother's and sisters orphaned...

Lastly i would just like to say i wish more people gave a little more because one it makes a difference in those people lives around us and if you believe in karma well .... There you go!!!

Have you ever been in a situation like this or witnessed one? if so Please tell...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Just a Cupple thoughts and an apology... And you know what??? I found me again...

So i had a interesting weekend.. Full of mixed emotion it kind of drove me crazy... So 2 years ago i decided to go to school in the Virgin Islands (UVI Boop Boop!!!) and first went to become a nurse but after a semester realized that it was not for me and it was what my parents settled for because i didn't want to be a doctor any more... typical right.. its funny how your parents have you thinking that you want what they want for you.. (but thats another blog)

I can say that this was the best decision i have ever maid in my life...It honestly made me who i am today well kinda sculpted who i was before i went i guess.. My parents and family where quite trepidatious about letting me go it being my first away from home over a month... but i was very persistent and soon they got over the fact that i was going.

So two years down the line i am back home not really of my choice school got quite expensive and not i have to save up more money with the intent of not letting that push my graduation back... i guess i always knew that it would come to this but it didn't really set in until i didn't get on my flight Saturday @10:20.. i have to say i was not my self i was not very nice to who ever did something that i thought annoyed me except my dog Josie.. i have to say to all if i was rude or just not pleasant this weekend and offended you i am sorry that is not my character and need to work on that even though it rarely happens...

So yesterday i called my called my friends form school and gave them the news... all of it!! and they where so supportive like i couldn't wish for better friends who are so loving some times i wonder how do i find these people who are just so genuine and caring and it just made my day amazing i was high off there supporting spirit and realized i will be with them even if i never saw them again and on top of that they are only a phone call away... geeezzz i wish everyone who needs people in there life like these friends find them....

Basically i just want to thank them and let them know I love you guys seriously......
See You In SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scream!!!! LMAO SERiousLY!!!!!

I have a question?? Has any one else experienced something like this and if so how did you deal with????

Well again people Peace and always love Byeeeeee
Big Smile...=)